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Patient Participation Group

This year we had three main priority areas:

Health centre building

Three main areas were discussed regarding the building and these were the lighting around the building, the tree growing on the porch roof and its safety and the new pathway.

The lighting has been discussed with the appropriate services and hopefully there will be more lighting in the coming months. Lights that were broken have been fixed so that pathways and the outside of the building are well lit in winter months.

The tree on the entrance porch has been removed before it grew any taller and could have been hazardous to patients.

The new pathway was discussed with the relevant body and, after alterations; we were informed that this was to CQC standards and that the flattened surfaces were for the safety of the patients enabling them to have ‘stopping points’.

Car park

The car park was discussed which has been a problem for many years. Parking is limited at the health centre. As a public car park is available adjacent to the health centre car park it was suggested that walk way would be helpful. This was taken to Harrow Council by our chairman who is a Harrow Councillor. Unfortunately due to certain rulings this could not be allowed and parking continues to be a problem.


Most members were reasonably happy with the current appointment system but the main area of concern was the waiting time to see the GP once the appointment had been made. It was suggested that patients be kept informed by reception staff if a GP was running late and also to be informed when checking in. Patients should now be informed when there is a long waiting time for a GP. Carers are given priority appointments and this was welcomed by all members.

The practice and PPG are currently devising a questionnaire for all patients so that the PPG/practice can discuss prominent areas in the coming year.

Contact our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

Contact the Patient Participation Group to join, or with any suggestions, comments and feedback for the forum meetings phone us on 0208 427 1213.

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 7 August 2024